Sunday, August 23, 2015

Day 234, Project 365

I was too tired after a 14-hour road-trip to post my daily photo...better late than never.  I took a raod-trip with both of my sisters-in-law, my mother-in-law, my husband's aunt, cousin and her daughter to Lanseboro.  We shopped a bit, took a CD, self-guided tour through Amish county and their shops, Harmony for dinner then back to Lanesboro for a little more shopping.  It was a great day!  Lots of laughs, great conversation, learned a lot (A LOT!) about the Amish and then got to drive home in a blinding, raging thunderstorm!  ;)

Here's my favorite non-person photo:

And my favorite people photo:

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a fab trip. You are really getting around. Like them both!
