Friday, January 2, 2015

Day 2, Project 365

Day 2...I was gung-ho yesterday, then I spent what was probably too much time reading blogs and 365 posts and it left me feeling inadequate, maybe a little envious of all of the talented people out there.  I've spent some time today with some pep-talks to myself
and trying to abandon my pity-party for one.  What I'm left with is that of course there are people more talented than me but I can learn from them and enjoy the beauty they contribute to this world.  So, I grabbed my camera and knew exactly what I wanted to attempt: photographing one of my favorite ornaments of my grandma's.  This particular ornament is at least 40 years old but I'd guess older than that.  As a child I was fascinated by it - there's a whole 3D scene in this ornament and to this day it mesmerizes me.  I decided to try and capture some beautiful starbursts from the Christmas tree lights and used a flashlight to brighten up the ornament.  A few shots later (after I realized I was on manual focus but trying to focus automatically- face palm!) I got one that's a 'keeper'.  

1 comment:

  1. Love. You go girl! I tried this a few years ago and gave up because I was totally intimidated by what others could do. You may not knock it out of the park every day but you will learn something every day.
